Friday, July 13, 2012

While he was "sleeping..."

While my husband was under anesthesia, having his colonoscopy on Tuesday (see: Health Screenings), I used the waiting time to go for a long walk.  I'm training for the Kiss Me Dirty 5K (see: I must be crazy!) by following a Beginner Training Plan I found on the Internet.  Tuesday I needed to walk 3-5 miles, and since his appointment was during the cooler morning hours, it was an ideal time.

The clinic was located on the east side of the Salt Lake Valley, on the "bench" of the mountains.  I knew there were several businesses around there, and planned to just walk around the parking lots.  However, as I started out, I saw some joggers go past in a partially secluded area.  I decided to follow them.

Lo and behold, they were on a scenic paved path -- The Big Cottonwood Canyon Trail -- made especially for non-motorized traffic (walkers, runners, bicyclists).  What an enchanting discovery, much better than walking around the boring parking lots!

Some of you might remember that I typically don't like walking for exercise.  I like to have someplace to walk to.  (See: What is it with me and walking?)  But I want to do the muddy 5K with my daughter (and a crazy friend from my high school days!), so I'm surrendering to the walking/running regimen.  Discovering this trail made walking a delight, as it led away from the business complex and towards the Big Cotton Wood Canyon.

Here are some pictures I snapped with my iPhone.

Heading East on the paved trail.

Um.  No worries...not tempted.

Nearing the end of my walk.

Suspended bridge leading to the business complex.

I must say, I had a much better time that morning than my husband.  But we plan to return and walk the trail together.

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