Sunday, November 27, 2011

DAY 331 -- Acknowledging sadness.

I miss my daddy.  His birthday was this past week (he would have been 99), and tomorrow marks eleven years since he passed away.  I've tried to keep a grip on my feelings, but today I realized I need to acknowledge the sadness I feel inside.  I am sometimes too good at burying my feelings.  So I've allowed myself to cry today.   

I'll be all right.  I just don't feel like blogging right now, especially about healthy eating, since I'm caught in a cycle of overeating.  Between trying to stuff down my feelings, and having Thanksgiving this week, I've turned to food way too much.  

1 comment:

  1. You are wise to recognize the cause of your sadness, and to deal with it. Sometimes food issues have to take a backseat.
