Friday, September 16, 2011

DAY 259 -- The road ahead.

Today as I drove through Wendover, Nevada, heading east on I-80, I reached a peak where I could see the long road ahead.  Not just any long road, but the highway through the Bonneville Salt Flats.  I felt a twinge of dread.  That straight stretch of road can be soooo boring, and when one is already feeling some fatigue, it can be a drudgery to drive.

The Bonneville Salt Flats 

I reflected on how sometimes when we see the long road ahead in other aspects of our life, it can fill us with doubts, fears, or discouragement.  For some, the thought of starting a diet, or an exercise program, can seem daunting.  It might seem like a long road ahead.  When I started abstinence from sugar, I looked at only one day at a time.  The long road ahead appeared overwhelming or impossible.

There are some roads we would not even take if we could see the end; and some long roads bring us to a point we never dreamed possible.

The long stretch of highway is behind me now.  I made it home, only to discover my house key was not in my purse.  So now I sit at a different long road... the long wait until my husband comes home.


  1. Oh, I've been on this stretch of road many times, I know exactly of what you speak!!

    And the same with my diet. I had a "not so good" week of eating and I'm still trying to get back on track. Maybe today.

    New day!!

  2. Have you ever ridden your motorcycle across the Salt Flats? A friend of ours recently did that. He worried about falling asleep, but he did fine. :)

  3. No, we never did while we lived in Yuma, AZ. One of the reason we chose eastern Washington was for more interesting roads to travel. I cannot imagine riding across the long, long, long non-winding roads in Nevada. Not fun. :-)
