Saturday, September 24, 2011

DAY 267 -- Best laid dinner plans...

Tonight was a special mother/daughter evening for me.  We rode TRAX (light rail train) to downtown Salt Lake City where we attended a conference (for women).  I planned to treat her to dinner, before the conference, at a trendy cafe called The Blue Lemon; however, when we got off the train and walked to the cafe, we were dismayed to find a tremendous long line coming out the door and down the sidewalk.  We felt we didn't have time to wait that long... and started searching elsewhere for food.  Found a Subway, but it was closed.  Found another sandwich shop, also closed.  (It was 4:30 on a Saturday with a big event going on.  Why would these places be closed???)

My daughter is in the early stages of pregnancy and gets nauseous when she's hungry... things were looking desperate.  I began to wonder if we would have to settle for some chips from the Rite-Aid, but we happened to pass a couple women sitting at a sidewalk table, eating sandwiches.  We looked longingly at their loot and inquired, "Where did you find food?"

"In the bookstore!" They responded, pointing nearby. We scurried inside, only to discover the sandwiches were sold out.

So... we bought a couple large dinner rolls and some bottled milk, then went outside to join the two ladies at the little table.  Bread and milk and conversations with strangers, it really was the beginning of a lovely evening.


  1. I love it when chance meetings happen like that!

    It's kind of like blogging. You never know who will end up following your blog and it's really fun to have conversation. With me, I usually have a cup of coffee in my hand. Milk and bread sounds pretty good!

  2. Susan... I agree! It's fun to meet and converse with new people, whether on the street, or through blogging!
