Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DAY 46 -- Exercise

Lest someone think that my weight loss comes from exercise, I want to point out that I have been fairly consistent with exercise over the years, so exercise is not something new that I started with my healthy eating challenge.  I usually get 3-5 days of formal exercise in during a week.  I strive for 5, but life happens.  I do informal exercise too--like going up and down our stairs, making extra trips on purpose to get more exercise that way, and I park way out in the parking lot when running errands.  I rarely take an elevator, even if I have to walk 4 or 5 flights of stairs.  But as I said, I have done this for quite some time.

I wear a heart monitor during my "formal" exercise (meaning: when I am dressed in exercise clothes working out to specific exercises).  When I post on my exercise page that I did High Intensity, for me that means I got my heart rate up and kept it up in the high end of my target zone.  High Intensity is different from High Impact.  I do a mixture of high impact and low impact -- depending on what the exercise is and how my joints are holding up!  :)
For my personality, I have found myself to be far more consistent with exercise when I exercise in the mornings at home using a large variety of exercise DVDs, which I have purchased over the years.  I don't have to get all dolled up to go out, I wear mis-matched fitness togs, and have bed head!

Several years ago I joined (on-line) "The President's Challenge" and have earned the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards.  I am currently working towards the Platinum Award.  (I have 315,000+ points towards the 100,000 points required.)

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